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A Simple Step to Save Lives: Ontario's Tax Return Initiative for Organ Donation

PHA Canada

In an innovative new collaboration between Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN) and the provincial and federal governments, millions of Ontarians will be one step closer to saving and improving lives. 

Through this initiative, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has included a question to the federal annual income tax return that allows Ontario taxpayers to indicate their interest in receiving information about organ and tissue donation and transplantation. The question will appear on tax forms each year moving forward, with the goal of raising awareness and increasing donor registrations. 

As a result of this initiative, this fall, over 2.1 million Ontario taxpayers who expressed interest will receive an email from TGLN with information about how to register as a potential donor. 

Learn more about organ and tissue donation and transplantation and take 2 minutes to change someone’s life by visiting

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