Dr. Sanjay Mehta
Dr Mehta grew up in Montreal and graduated from McGill University medical school in 1988. He completed clinical training in Internal Medicine and Respirology at McGill and then pursued additional Respirology research fellowships at McGill and Harvard.
Current Positions:
Professor of Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, ON
Consultant Respirologist and Director of the Southwest Ontario Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic, London Health Sciences Center
Founding Board Member / Eternal PHriend / Past Chair of the Board of Directors, Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA) of Canada
Chair, Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) Guidelines Committee
Associate Editor, Pulmonary Vascular Disease, Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical
Care and Sleep Medicine
Dr. Mehta’s current research and clinical interests include sepsis, ARDS, endothelial cell biology, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary physiology.